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Ari Geller

Owings Mills, MD
Capital Camps
University of Maryland

Ari is a junior at the University of Maryland majoring in Business Management, and minoring in Nonprofit Leadership and Jewish Studies. Ari also works as a student intern at Maryland Hillel and is on the Jewish Student Union board. From Baltimore, Maryland, Ari attended Krieger Schechter Day School and Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School. He has spent 12 summers at Capital Camps, and is excited to return this summer for his 13th.

Charlie Feuerman

Flushing, NY
Columbia University/The Jewish Theological Seminary

Charlie is a third-year student in the dual B.A. program between Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary, majoring in both Sustainable Development and Jewish Texts. He is currently interning at the LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, interviewing and writing the biographies of queer Jews and allies who have shaped history. Charlie has worked as a farmer and Jewish educator at Ramah Berkshires, and taught at numerous Hebrew schools across denominations. He is an active member of Koach, the traditional-egalitarian minyan at Columbia/Barnard Hillel. In his spare time, you can find him reading up on psychology and Jewish mysticism, advocating for clean energy and environmental responsibility, and playing guitar.

Claudia Sachs

Richmond, VA
BBYO Perlman Summer
Columbia University/The Jewish Theological Seminary

Claudia Sachs is a junior in the Joint Program between Columbia and JTS studying human rights, sustainable development, and modern Jewish studies. She is from Richmond, Virginia where she was the BBYO Vice President of Jewish Programming. She is now a prayer leader at Romemu Manhattan, Song Leader Boot Camp, BBYO, and the Columbia/Barnard Hillel. She also leads the Columbia/Barnard Hillel Sustainability and Climate Action Team. Claudia is interested in the intersection between climate change and Judaism, and she's the Business Development Intern at Plankton Energy, a Brooklyn-based company that develops solar for schools and houses of worship.

Dahlia Matanky

Chicago, IL
Brandeis University

Dahlia Matanky is a junior at Brandeis University majoring in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Anthropology with minors in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies and Religious Studies. Matanky is deeply engaged in the Jewish and feminist community; she serves as the President of the Jewish Feminist Association of Brandeis and works at Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, Brandeis’ academic center for exploring the intersection of Jews and gender. A former intern for Brandeis Hillel, Matanky has participated in the Jewish Learning Fellowship and Kol Yisrael as both a fellow and as an instructor. She has interned for nonprofit organizations such as Avodah and the Chicago Community Loan Fund and plans to pursue a career in the Jewish social justice nonprofit sphere. Matanky is thrilled to be a part of Cohort 10 and looks forward to a semester of learning and growth.

Eitan Gutenmacher

Flushing, NY

Eitan Gutenmacher is currently studying the intersection of Design and Religion at NYU Gallatin. He believes a Jewish artistic revolution is imperative for the Jewish future, community life, and perhaps Mashiach. Eitan returned to New York City after a year of studying Jewish thought and Talmud at Yeshivat Orayta in Jerusalem. Eitan spends his free time designing for Israel at New Zionist Congress.

Emerson Cronheim-Strasser

Columbus, OH
URJ 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Emerson is a junior at the University of Wisconsin - Madison studying Social Work and Jewish Studies. At Hillel he serves as the B’tzelem Elohim intern, an internship and position which he created, centered around queer-Jewish advocacy and programming. Emerson leads Shabbat services, organizes the monthly Shabbat morning minyan, is a part of a weekly text study group fondly referred to as Torah on the Terrace, and has participated in a handful of Jewish Learning Fellowships at Hillel. He teaches Sunday school for a local congregation and tutors elementary and middle schoolers in Hebrew. Emerson grew up going to camp 6 Points Sci-Tech and now works there. This summer he is excited to serve as the Senior Unit Counselor, a leadership member of the camper care team.

Ezra Klausner

Southfield, MI
Yad B Yad
Yeshiva University

Ezra Klausner was born in Detroit, Michigan and went to school at Akiva from K-12. Throughout his Akiva career Ezra was on the tennis, basketball, and baseball teams (even becoming captain senior year for both basketball and baseball). After high school he spent two amazing years at Yeshivat Har Etzion. He is now finishing up his junior year at Yeshiva University. He went on Yad B Yad back in 2018 as a camper and worked as staff this past summer and plans on working there this summer too.

Isaac Reed-Schwartz

Highland Park, NY
Camp Ramah in the Berkshires
Rutgers University

Joshua Lazar

Chicago, IL
Camp Ramah in Wisconsin
University of Minnesota

Joshua Lazar is a Sociology and Political Science major at the University of Minnesota. He attended Camp Ramah in Wisconsin for 11 years: 8 years as a camper, 3 years on staff. In high school, he was involved in USY, both on chapter board and on the regional general board for CHUSY region. On campus, he was on Chabad's board. Additionally, he has been involved in Minnesota Hillel as an engagement intern for two semesters, and was on the board as the vice president of programming. He is currently exploring careers as a Jewish professional in the non-profit world.

Laya Fridman

Baltimore, MD
Brandeis University

Laya is a Junior at Brandeis University, double majoring in Theater Arts and Psychology with a minor in Near Eastern Judaic Studies. Laya is an active member on the student board of Chabad at Brandeis and a Hebrew school teacher at Temple Beth Shalom.
In her hometown of Baltimore, Laya has served as a cantorial soloist since high school at her Synagogue Har Sinai Oheb Shalom. There, she has led children's High Holiday services and Shabbat services for the congregation.
Last summer she attended Mayanot, a Chabad seminary in Jerusalem, where she furthered her Jewish education, and plans to pursue more education opportunities this year.
Laya is passionate about the power of Jewish music and connecting with Jews of different backgrounds in pluralistic spaces. Both of these are aspects she hopes to include in her future Jewish profession.

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