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Shayna Roth

Crouton-on-Hudson, NY
University of Pennsylvania

Camp Ramah Nyack

Shayna Roth, originally from Westchester, New York, is a student at the University of Pennsylvania studying Urban Studies and Urban Education. She has spent the past 14 summers at Ramah camps, most recently as the “Sgan Rosh Edah,” or assistant division head, for campers entering 4th grade at Ramah Nyack. Shayna actively participates in hunger relief efforts in her community through interning at the Food Bank for Westchester and at Challah for Hunger, volunteering at various food pantries and soup kitchens throughout the week, and serving on Penn Hillel’s Tzedek Social Justice Committee. She enjoys spending time as a teacher’s assistant in a West Philadelphia elementary school as well. The values her involvements in camp and other Jewish organizations have instilled in her, especially related to tikkun olam, encourage her to enter the fields of Jewish education and nonprofit leadership. Shayna is eager and excited for the ways in which her semester as a Nachshon fellow will guide these interests further.

Simon Luxemburg

South Windsor, CT
Connecticut College

Camp Ramah New England

Simon Luxemburg is from South Windsor Connecticut and is studying International Relations, Economics, and Religious Studies at Connecticut College. On campus he is involved in many pursuits: he the immediate Past President of Hillel, he serves as a Consumer Sector analyst in the Peggotty Investment Club, he works in both the athletics and admissions offices, and he is a selected scholar in the Center for International Studies in the Liberal Arts. This past summer Simon interned at the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) in Jerusalem, followed by working as a Senior Counselor at Camp Ramah in New England in the Nivonim (oldest division) leadership development program. The intersectionality of religion and politics has inspired Simon to explore innovative policy solutions to solve the various problems facing Jews in Israel and throughout the Diaspora. While still undecided about his future goals and career aspirations, he look forward to potential opportunities to combine his interest in politics with his love for Judaism.

Sydney Holt

St. Louis, MO
Indiana University

Herzl Camp

Sydney Holt is originally from St. Louis, Missouri, however her family now lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is currently a junior at Indiana University in Bloomington where she is majoring in Religious Studies and receiving a certificate in Jewish Studies. She is also a member of the Sigma Delta Tau sorority on campus. She has spent five summers at Herzl Camp, where she was a camper for one year and a bunk counselor and religious programmer for four years. In high school, Syd was very active in USY and served on her Chapter Board and Regional General Board. In the future, Sydney plans on working in the Jewish community and helping youth discover their own Jewish identity. Her love for Judaism and exploring other religions has shaped her into the person she is today, and she is excited to continue learning and growing throughout her semester in Jerusalem.