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Josh Burg

URJ Camp Newman
UC Berkeley
Petaluma, CA

Josh is from Petaluma, CA, a small town in the San Francisco Bay Area. He grew up attending Jewish day school and the Jewish Community High School of the Bay. He studied at the University of Michigan for his first two years of college and currently studies philosophy at UC Berkeley. On campus, Josh is an active campus organizer in the progressive Jewish community and is active in Berkeley Hillel. This past semester he was the campus ambassador for Mitzvote, Hillel’s national civic engagement campaign, as well as a JLF fellow. Josh spent his last 14 summers at URJ Camp Newman. In Josh’s three summers as a staff member, he has worked mostly with high school aged campers in sessions focused on nature, art, social justice, service, and leadership. He was a Cornerstone fellow last summer and looks forward to growing into a bigger leadership role at camp this summer as a rosh eidah.

Julia Lustig

Ramah Day Camp in Nyack
Binghamton University
New York, NY

Julia Lustig is a Junior at Binghamton University and is double majoring in English and Judaic Studies. She was born and raised in Manhattan, NY and attended both Ramaz and SAR in her years of formal Jewish education. On campus, she has used her interest in event planning and programming as a vehicle for inspiring a love of the Jewish community that Binghamton offers through both Hillel and Chabad. She is also a member of AEPhi and has really appreciated the opportunity to surround herself with all types of Jews at a university with such a thriving, diverse Jewish population. Julia has spent the last 5 summers as a staff member at Camp Ramah in Nyack, where she feels her Judaism is celebrated like no other place in the world, and she is so excited to return next summer.

Julian Biller

Rutgers University
Toronto, ON

Julian is originally from Toronto, Canada and currently lives in New Jersey where he is studying Political Science and Jewish Studies, having completed an Associates Degree in Education. He is a graduate of Gottesman RTW (formerly Hebrew Academy of Morris County) and Golda Och Academy (formerly Solomon Schechter of West Orange). In high school he was an active member of USY, serving continuously on both chapter and regional boards, a Young Judaean, a Diller Teen Fellow, a Write on for Israel Fellow, and his student body President and vice-President. Following high school, he participated in Nativ, the conservative movements gap year program in Israel, during which he spent the fall semester at Hebrew University and the spring semester teaching English in a local public school in Yerucham. Since returning to the US, he has worked for Diller Teen Fellows, Write on for Israel, Camp Monroe, Hagalil USY, Cherkassey (Ukraine) Jewish Family Summer Camp, Taglit-Birthright, and taught Hebrew School. In these roles he has been responsible for planning and orchestrating programming, facilitating cross cultural religious, social, and cultural learning and exchange; as well as personal, religious, and leadership development, and has led six trips to Israel for participants ages 16-26.

Katherine Podolak

JCC Ranch Camp
University of Michigan
Denver, Colorado

Katherine is a Junior at the University of Michigan, double majoring in Judaic Studies and Sociology with a focus in Law, Justice, and Social Change (LJSC). She grew up in Cherry Hills Village, CO attending Temple Sinai and volunteering as an Assistant Kindergarten Teacher for the temple’s weekly religious school. Her favorite place to spend the summer was at JCC Ranch Camp in Elbert, CO for twelve years; she was a camper and a staff member for the last three years. On the Michigan campus, Katherine is a member of the Michigan Mock Trial Team, and a member of the social sorority Chi Omega, where she just finished her term on the Executive Board as Personnel Chair. Katherine is also a founder of the Michigan Hillel Greek Life Task Force (increasing member participation of the Jewish Greek Life community at Michigan Hillel).

Lauren Greenberg

Capital Camps
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Potomac, MD

Lauren grew up in Potomac, Maryland and is currently a Junior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is majoring in Community and Nonprofit Leadership and working towards a certificate in Jewish Studies. Lauren is highly involved in her sorority on campus, Sigma Delta Tau, where she served as the Vice President of Philanthropy. Through her sorority she got involved with Humorology, an annual, juried, musical/variety show that takes place at the University of Wisconsin, Madison in April of each year to raise money for a local Madison children’s charity, serving as a director for her cast the past two years. To further her involvement with the local Madison community, Lauren has volunteered and now serves as the  Programming Assistant at Neighborhood House, a local Madison community center. Lauren also serves on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Chabad Student board. Lauren has spent the past nine summers at Capital Camps. She spent two summers as a counselor for the staff kids and this past summer as a counselor for the Leaders in Training program. Lauren also participated in the Capital Camps Institute for Leadership and Learning as a part of its fourth cohort. In the future, Lauren hopes to turn her love for camp into a professional career.

Maia Cattan

Camp Ramah Darom
Columbia University/JTS
Westport, CT

Maia is a junior in the joint program between Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary studying Sociology and Jewish History. On campus Maia has served as an Admissions Intern at JTS and on the Executive Board of her sorority, SDT, and is an active member of Israel, religious, and Jewish Education groups at Hillel. Off campus, she also teaches at a Hebrew school, where she has taught Hebrew and worked with kids with learning disabilities. Maia grew up going to Camp Ramah Darom where she has been a counselor for the past four years working with various age groups, and where she will be a Rosh Eidah this upcoming summer.

Matthew Ghan

URJ Camp Newman
Chapman University
San Jose, CA

Matthew is originally from San Jose california and is a Junior at Chapman University majoring in communication studies. He has served as the President of Chapman Hillel, the engagement intern and the development intern. Currently he serves on Hillel International's Student Cabinet thinking about student engagement and leadership for all Hillel’s campuses. Matthew specifically loves Jewish summer camping and would not be the person he is today without his 13 years he spent at URJ Camp Newman. This summer will be Matt’s fourth year on staff serving as a Rosh Ediah. In addition, Matt has worked with NFTY, the Reform Jewish Youth movement as as an Event Coordinator in Southern California.

Mia Stein

Camp Ramah in the Poconos
University of Maryland
Philadelphia, PA

Mia Stein, originally from Philadelphia, currently studies Public Policy at the University of Maryland. On campus, she has served as the Education Chair for Terps for Israel and has been actively involved with Maryland Hillel, including interning and serving as a social justice fellow there. In addition to this, Mia spends the majority of her time taking part in community service through her professional fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega where she served on the executive board as well. Mia’s past 15 summers have been spent at Camp Ramah in the Poconos. In the past, Mia has also spent time interning for AIPAC and working at the Policy Conference.

Micaela Raviv

Camp Ramah in the Berkshires
Brown University
New York City, NY

Micaela Raviv is a junior at Brown University double majoring in Psychology and Judaic Studies. She is from the Upper East Side of Manhattan where she attended public school but was active in the Jewish community by serving as the President of the Friendship Circle NYC, an organization providing social programming for Jewish children with special needs, and founding Teens4Israel NYC, an organization equipping teens with Israel advocacy tools necessary for campus. On campus, Micaela served as the President of Brown Students for Israel and President of Chabad at Brown. Since she was six years old, she spent her summers at Ramah camps, starting at Ramah Nyack and then Ramah in the Berkshires. She was a counselor at Ramah in the Berkshires for three summers. In her professional future, Micaela hopes to find the intersection of her passions for psychology, Judaism and Israel advocacy.

Michael Stiefel Alperin

Herzl Camp
University of Hartford
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Michael is from Saint Paul, Minnesota and grew up going to Beth Jacob Congregation. He went to the Talmud Torah of Saint Paul Day School and Afternoon school, and the Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School. He is a Junior at The University of Hartford, working towards a major in Communications with an emphasis in Public Relations and Advertisement with a minor in Judaic Studies. In highschool he was involved with USY, serving as the Religious Education Vice President for two years and went on USY on Wheels Mission Mitzvah. In college he served as the Tzedek Intern for Hillel and attends Chabad on Campus regularly. He is also a brother of the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity at the University at Hartford, and served as Jewish Life Chair and Secretary. Michael went to Herzl Camp for 5 years as a camper and for 3 years on staff working.