University of Michigan
Camp Ramah in Canada
Farmington Hills, MI
Allison is from Farmington Hills, Michigan and is a junior at the University of Michigan where she is pursuing a double major in Psychology and Judaic Studies and a minor in Community Action and Social Change. In high school, Allison was heavily involved in her youth group, USY, where she served as the President of her chapter and the Vice President of Religion/Education in her region. Allison has spent the past 12 summers at Camp Ramah in Canada and is looking forward to returning as a Rosh Edah. From the moment she stepped foot on campus, Allison has been actively involved in Michigan Hillel, being a weekly attendee of Friday night Conservative Minyan services, serving on the First Year Students of Hillel Board, participating in the jNET Fellowship (a cohort of students whose goal is to network with Jewish students across campus), and most recently as the ‘Host at Home’ Coordinator/ShabUM (Shabbat Across UofM) Chair. What draws Allison to Judaism is the sense of community it brings. She believes that no matter where you fall on the religious spectrum, from ultra-religious to simply Jew-ish, there is always a place for you in the ever growing Jewish community.