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Tziona Kamara

Yeshiva University
Passaic, NJ

Tziona Kamara grew up in Passaic, New Jersey, and attended orthodox day schools from kindergarten through 12th grade. After graduating from Bruriah High School, she studied at Sha’alvim for Women in Jerusalem for a gap year, before attending Stern College for Women at Yeshiva University, where she is studying Political Science. Tziona is active on campus as the president of the Dunner Political Science Society and president of the Sharsheret Club, a Jewish nonprofit that raises funds and awareness for women fighting breast cancer. She is also an editor of the Clarion, the YU political science journal, as well as a contributor to the YU student paper, The Commentator, and Chronos, the YU history journal. She enjoys dancing and is a member of the Stern Dance Club. Upon graduation, Tziona hopes to utilize her love of Judaism, writing, and giving by entering the Jewish nonprofit world.

Uri Farber

University of Maryland
Silver Spring, MD

Growing up outside D.C., Uri Farber was raised in a house that itself was finding religion. When he was born, his family moved to a new house so they could go to a more traditional Conservative shul, Ohr Kodesh, and sent his sister to his eventual alma mater, the Modern Orthodox Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy. In high school, he took on leadership roles in his USY chapter and region, focusing on religion and education. Ever the rabble-rouser in both camps, Uri decided then and there to become a rabbi who would make a space for those equally unhappy in Conservative and Orthodox spaces. Along that vein, he ended up studying at Yeshivat Maale Gilboa, an institution known for neo-Chasidic spirituality mixed with rigorous academic approaches to Jewish texts and a healthy dose of anti-formalist legal philosophy, for a year after high school. Despite enjoying his time there immensely, Uri moved on after one year to the University of Maryland where he quickly took on an active role in leadership at Hillel. He led both Orthodox and non-Orthodox groups centered around various activities such as davening, learning, and socializing. After The Nachshon Project, he hopes to go to Rabbinical school.

Yoni Feldman Greene

Columbia University/Jewish Theological Seminary
Camp Ramah in California
Los Angeles, CA

Yoni is a junior at the Joint Program between the Jewish Theological Seminary and Columbia University, majoring in Talmud and History. He is from Los Angeles, California where he is active in the local Jewish community. Yoni was a camper at Camp Ramah in California throughout his life and has spent the past five summers as a counselor for campers ranging from eight to sixteen years old. Before going to college, Yoni learned and volunteered in Israel during his gap year on the Nativ College Leadership Program. On campus, Yoni is an active member in the Hillel community and in the JTS community. Since his freshman year, Yoni has served on a committee that organizes and hosts large Shabbat meals throughout the year for the JTS undergraduate community. Yoni hopes in the future to continue to find ways to serve the Jewish community. 

Zachary Beer

The City College of New York
Woodmere, NY

Zachary is a New York native who currently attends The City College of New York, where he is studying for a BA/MA in History and a BA in Jewish Studies. He is a graduate of Yeshiva Har Torah and Rambam Mesivta. In high school he was an active member of NCSY, serving  on both chapter and regional boards, and he was a Write on for Israel Fellow. Following high school, he studied for two years at Yeshivat Har Etzion, one of the leading Hesder Yeshivot, learning under some of Religious Zionism’s leading minds. Since returning to the US, he has worked for New Jersey NCSY, HASC, ORA, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, and the Simon Wiesenthal Center. On campus, he has acted as an executive board member in both his Hillel and Chabad, and has risen to the Vice Presidency of his Hillel.  In these roles he has been responsible for planning and orchestrating programming, and for facilitating religious, social, and cultural learning. Zachary plans to receive smicha from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, and to pursue a graduate degree in Education at the Azrieli School of Jewish Education and Administration.