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Devora Goldstein

University of Chicago
Camp Stone
New York, NY

Devora Goldstein grew up in NYC and is currently in her third year at the University of Chicago pursuing degrees in Neuroscience and HIPS (History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science and medicine). Before starting college, Devora spent a gap year in Israel studying at Migdal Oz. As for her summers, Camp Stone has played an important part in Devora’s life. At Stone,she has had the opportunity to take on several leadership roles, including serving as a counselor, a mentor, and as Rosh Yachad - assistant program director -- in the Yachad vocational program. On her college campus, Devora spends lots of time with the Jewish community and currently serves as the social chair of Yavneh, coordinating Shabbat programming and other events. Devora is excited to continue to expand her Jewish learning and to gain new leadership skills through the Nachshon Project.

Eitan Turok

Columbia University
Camp Stone
Riverdale, NY

Eitan Turok is an applied-math major at Columbia University and an obsessive learner. He grew up in Riverdale attending SAR High School and loves math, natural language processing, and audio machine learning. After studying at Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi, Eitan has been an active member of Columbia's Hillel and even worked for Masa for a year. When he is not rock climbing, you can catch him befriending strangers, devilishly scribbling in his journal, or eating unholy amounts of pasta. He loves Judaism and can also do the splits.

Elyza Veta

New York University
JCC Ranch Camp
Lone Tree, CO

Born and raised in Colorado, Elyza is pursuing a double major in Film & TV and Political Science from New York University. On campus she is an active member of Hillel, Chabad, and various social and political activist clubs supporting Israel. Elyza recently interned with Resetting the Table, a organization that creates powerful dialogue to bridge divides surrounding the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Before college, Elyza was active in her local youth group, serving as Vice President and Religious Education Representative. Elyza has a passion for creating unique spaces and communities to practice Judaism, best exemplified by her many years dedicated to JCC Ranch Camp, spending summers as a camper, counselor, and Unit Head. Elyza dreams of combining her love of filmmaking, her zest for politics, and passion for Judaism into a unique career path and hopes the Nachshon Project will help her in this endeavor! Outside of Jewish activities Elyza enjoys skiing, chess, playing the piano, and her pet fish. 

Emma Sesar

Tulane University
Camp Hess Kramer
Los Angeles, CA

Emma Sesar is a junior at Tulane University pursuing a double major in Psychology and Early Childhood Education and Jewish Studies. She grew up in Los Angeles, CA and is an active member of the Wilshire Boulevard Temple community, where she attended Brawerman Elementary School and Camp Hess Kramer. Her parents met at Camp Hess Kramer as campers, so it is no surprise that she was a camper for 9 summers and a staff member for 3… she cannot wait to go back this summer! In New Orleans, Emma works in a number of classrooms around the city and spends every Sunday working as a religious school teacher at Touro Synagogue. She has also held many positions in her sorority, Sigma Delta Tau, including Philanthropy Chair and Health and Wellness Chair. After she graduates, Emma is considering a number of career paths such as education, social work and psychology, and it is important to her that her future includes working with children in the Jewish community. 

Hadassah Turk Tolub

Columbia University & JTS
Camp Ramah in the Poconos
Wynnewood, PA

Hadassah is from Wynnewood, Pennsylvania. She is a junior in the Joint Program between Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary studying Psychology and Bible respectively. On campus, Hadassah has been heavily involved with the Hillel and JTS communities having served as Admissions Assistant in the JTS offices, served on the board of the Conservative minyan, was an Orientation Leader for JTS, Columbia, and Hillel, and is an active member of Jewish Education groups at Hillel. She is also involved with Greek life having recently served as Vice President for her sorority, Sigma Delta Tau. Hadassah has spent the last seventeen summers attending Camp Ramah in the Poconos and this summer will be her fifth on staff. 

Halle Shumate

American University
Laguna Niguel, CA

Halle is from Laguna Niguel, California and currently attends American University in Washington, DC, where she studies history and Jewish studies. On campus, Halle serves as the president of the Israeli Culture Club and is an active member of the Russian Speaking Jews club. In 2019, Halle served as a youth ambassador for the Loeb Institute of Religious Freedom at The State Department’s Second Annual Ministerial for Religious Freedom. Prior to COVID-19, Halle worked as a Judaic Studies teacher’s assistant at Washington Hebrew Congregation and was an intern for the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington. In her spare time, she loves to bake, and even started her own Jewish baking company during quarantine. In the future, Halle hopes to combine her passion for history, Judaism, and international politics to begin a career in global advocacy as a Jewish professional. Halle is immensely grateful for the opportunity to participate in The Nachshon Project and looks forward to learning from experts in the Jewish world, as well as her peers. 

Idan Chazan

Georgetown University
Ramah Day Camp in Chicago
Chicago, IL

Idan was born in Jerusalem and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, where he attended Solomon Schechter Day School and Rochelle Zell Jewish High School. He is currently a junior at Georgetown University working towards a major in History and a double minor in Arabic and Jewish Civilization. Idan has worked as a TA in the Georgetown Hebrew Language department for three years in addition to serving in several leadership positions in Georgetown's Jewish Student Association (their equivalent of a Hillel board). Primarily, he works to spotlight the diversity of the Georgetown Jewish community by organizing conversation series, music and cooking potlucks, multi-denominational Shabbatot, and more. He attended Ramah Day Camp for five summers and returned as a counselor for two years, helping the Keshet program for special needs children. Currently, Idan works at KAHAL: Your Jewish Home Abroad as a marketing and operations intern, helping to empower students to connect with their Judaism during their study abroad experiences. These work and extracurricular experiences, combined with his Israeli and Jewish upbringing, have inspired Idan to explore opportunities in Israel education and Jewish non-profit work along with the other Cohort 7 fellows.

Jakob Levin

University of Florida
Ramah Darom
Plantation, FL

Jakob is from Plantation, Florida and is a third-year at the University of Florida where he is pursuing a double major in Political Science and International Studies along with a minor in Jewish Studies and a certificate in Holocaust Studies. He attended the Posnack School, a Jewish day school in South Florida, where his passion for politics started through his involvement in student government and AIPAC. While in high school, he was involved in his USY chapter, where he served as the President of his Chapter and on his region's general board for Israel Affairs. Jakob Levin spent eight years as a camper at Ramah Darom in Clayton, Georgia, and after going on Ramah Israel Seminar, will be returning this summer for his fourth year on staff. Since arriving on campus he found his home at UF Hillel, where he's actively involved in their Masorti student cohort and is part of their Student Cabinet. Jakob hopes to continue engaging in the areas he is passionate about through an interdisciplinary approach.

Jeremy Kohler

Columbia University/Jewish Theological Seminary
Camp Young Judaea Sprout Lake
Plainview, NY

Jeremy Kohler, hailing from Long Island, is currently a junior in the Joint Program between Columbia and JTS, studying economics and Jewish texts, respectively. He is a graduate of the Schechter School of Long Island and followed that with USCJ’s gap year program, Nativ, where he studied at Hebrew University and volunteered in an elementary school in Yeruham. Through these experiences, he grew his enjoyment for diving deeply into the foundational sources of the Jewish people, as well as learning about current Israeli and American Jewish society. During the summers, Jeremy can be found at Sprout Lake, where he has worked for three years (and volunteered online during the pandemic summer). There, he found a love for Jewish education, a passion that has catapulted him to apply for the Nachshon Project. This semester, he is excited to explore different career opportunities in the Jewish communal world.

Joshua May

Iowa State University
CYJ Midwest
Elburn, IL

Joshua May is a junior majoring in Management Information Systems at Iowa State University. He is from Elburn, Illinois where despite growing up in a small Jewish community, he remained active attending Hebrew school on Sundays as well as Camp Young Judaea Midwest and Tel Yehudah for 7 summers. Josh returned to work at CYJ Midwest for 2 summers becoming a unit head and his leadership experiences through camp include being a Cornerstone Fellow as well as completing the Lewis Summer Internship Program this past summer. After his semester in Jerusalem, he will be returning to camp to be a merakez for the 2021 summer. On campus, Josh is active in the local Chabad and Hillel, working to grow the small yet proud Iowa Jewish community. He spends time with the Youth Sports Outreach and is also a member of the Archery club. After just getting a taste of Israel on Birthright in 2018, Josh has been itching to return and have a deeper meaningful and educational experience that he can reflect back to his camp and campus communities as well as his future career.