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Ezra Suldan
Ezra Suldan

Baltimore, MD
Capital Camps
Yale University

Ezra Suldan is a senior at Yale College majoring in Religious Studies. Born and raised in Baltimore, MD, Ezra went to Jewish day schools up until college. For the past 11 years, he has spent his summers at Capital Camps in Waynesboro, PA. After several summers working as a 1-on-1 counselor in the camp's inclusion program and then on the Counselors-In-Training staff, Ezra was the Unit Head for the 10th-grade age group in Summer 2022. During his semester with Nachshon Cohort Eight, Ezra grew more certain of his commitment to pursue a career in the world of Jewish nonprofits, particularly in both formal and informal education - he is excited to find out where that will lead him after graduating.

Gabe Perla
Gabe Perla

Pepper Pike, OH
Camp Wise
Vanderbilt University

Hana Wohlberg
Hana Wohlberg

Ambler, PA
Camp Ramah in the Poconos
University of Pennsylvania

Hana Wohlberg is from Ambler, Pennsylvania. She is a senior at the University of Pennsylvania, majoring in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics and minoring in Consumer Psychology. Aside from her academics, Hana is the founding President of Penn Hillel's Challah for Hunger chapter, a member of TAMID at Penn, and works as a Campus Manager for Fresh Prints. Hana has spent 8 summers as a camper and one summer on staff at Camp Ramah in the Poconos, and attended Ramah Israel Seminar. Her love of Judaism and passion for Jewish leadership led her to participate in the Nachshon Project.

Jacob Roth
Jacob Roth

Thornwood, NY
Round Lake Camp
Binghamton University

Lauren Appel
Lauren Appel

Buffalo Grove, IL
Camp Ramah in Wisconsin
Indiana University

Lauren is a senior at Indiana University Bloomington studying Jewish Studies with minors in Nonprofit Management and Youth Development. Lauren grew up in the Chicago suburbs where she was an active member of USY at the local chapter and regional levels. Lauren has continued her work with USY in college, serving as the Regional intern for the Chicagoland Region for the last three years. On campus, Lauren is the President of the Jewish Studies Student Association, and works as the Administrative Intern for the Borns Jewish Studies Department. In addition to her involvement on campus and with CHUSY, Lauren is deeply connected to Camp Ramah in Wisconsin. Lauren has spent 10 summers at Ramah in Wisconsin, first as a camper and then as a counselor. This past summer she worked as a Senior counselor for the oldest eidah in camp, Nivonim - rising high schools Juniors. Lauren's semester in Israel with Nachshon has deepened her desire to go to graduate school and pursue a career working with Jewish youth centered nonprofit organizations.

Naomi Fogel
Naomi Fogel

Stamford, CT
Camp Yavneh
Muhlenberg College

Naomi is a senior at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania. She is majoring in psychology and working towards her teaching certificate for grades pre-k through 4. Throughout her time in college, Naomi has enjoyed becoming more politically active through participation in BergVotes, Muhlenberg’s non-partisan voter registration and education club, as well as her campus’s chapter of College Democrats, serving on exec-board as social media chair for a year. Aside from this, Naomi has gained a great deal from her involvement in Hillel, including a semester spent participating in Hillel International’s Israel Leadership Network. Her summers as a camper at a pluralistic Jewish summer camp, many Shabbats spent at Muhlenberg’s Hillel, and, most recently, her experience on the Nachshon Project, has reaffirmed for her the importance of pluralism in the Jewish community. Among many things, she is grateful to Nachshon for the tools it has given her to engage in conversation with those different from herself.

Noa Landau-Camarillo
Noa Landau-Camarillo

Salem, OR
Camp Ramah in the Rockies
Willamette University

Noa Landau-Camarillo is graduating from Willamette University this December with a double major in English (with a concentration in creative writing) and Psychology. They found a home at Ramah in the Rockies and just celebrated their eleventh summer there. Throughout the years they have worked as a bunk counselor, a rosh edah, and on the camp wellness team. Due to much of Rockies’ influence, their Judaism is deeply rooted in nature, spirituality, and argumentation. In their free time they love to write stories, talk about Harry Potter, dance, read Fredrik Backman books, and they are learning how to play hockey.

They are still unsure what they want to do in the future but they hope it involves working with children and lots of laughter.

Noa Pitkowsky
Noa Pitkowsky

Bronx, NY
Camp Young Judaea Sprout Lake
Binghamton University

Noa is a senior at Binghamton University, majoring in Judaic Studies and minoring in Education. After finishing high school, Noa spent a year at the Shalom Hartman Institute on the Hevruta Gap Year Program. Growing up, she was a camper at Young Judaea camps and was involved in Year-Round teen leadership. During the summer of 2022, Noa was a Unit Head for Camp Young Judaea Sprout Lake’s pilot program for entering 9th graders and lead the education team. On campus, she is an active leader in Hillel and Chabad. Her leadership roles within Hillel span from Director of Major Events to Director of Koach (Conservative Jewish Minyan). She currently serves as the Vice President of Jewish Life on Hillel’s student Executive Board. Throughout her time in Binghamton, Noa has been a Hebrew School teacher at Temple Israel, the local Conservative synagogue. Following the Nachshon Project, Noa hopes to enrich the Jewish community through formal and informal education.

Orly Einhorn
Orly Einhorn

Beachwood, OH
Camp Ramah in Canada
Washington University in St. Louis

Orly Einhorn is a fourth-year undergraduate student at Washington University in St. Louis, pursuing a degree in Sociology with minors in Psychology and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. A member of the 8th Cohort of the Nachshon Cohort, they now serve as the Chair of the Hillel Advisory Board at WashU Hillel and dedicate themselves to Jewish education and antisemitism prevention. Orly has also worked for WashU’s Sumers Recreation Center since their freshman year, where they have developed a love for recreation and exercise. While they have not yet settled their post-graduate plans, they are excited by the prospect of combining their passion for art, music, and creativity with their academic pursuits and career ambitions.

Sam Clarke
Sam Clarke

Boca Raton, FL
Moshava Alevy
University of Florida

Sam Clarke, a Boca Raton native, studied at Yeshivat Orayta in Jerusalem and is majoring in Political Science and Criminology at the University of Florida. Sam serves as the National Co-Chair for Yavneh on Campus, Lead Shevet Glaubach Fellow for Southern NCSY, and outgoing Gabbai at Chabad UF. In his free time, Sam enjoys reading, hiking, and playing with his dog. Sam is beyond excited to join the Nachshon Project and looks forward to exploring a meaningful career in the professional Jewish world.