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Ruby Martinez

New York, NY
Eden Village Camp
Oberlin College

Ruby is a junior at Oberlin College studying Religion, Politics, and Education.  On campus she is a barista, tour guide, dialogue facilitator, and is an active member of her student cooperative.  Ruby has been a member of various Jewish institutions and fellowships, and serves on staff as the Programs Coordinator of the Jewish Youth Climate Movement, a Gen-Z led movement dedicated to combating climate change through a Jewish lens, fueled by Adamah.  Ruby has spent 10 summers (and counting) at Eden Village Camp as a camper, CIT, and counselor for all ages and is excited to return as a Unit Head this summer.  Her Jewish identity is grounded in eco-Judaism, pluralism, and spirituality, and she is excited to continue to explore and be challenged by her experience on the Nachshon Project.

Samuel Bernstein

Boynton Beach, FL
Ramah Darom
University of Central Florida

Sam is a Junior at the University of Central Florida studying Health Services Administration. Sam has spent 9 summers at Camp Ramah Darom, including three summers on staff, and looks forward to attending Ramah Darom this summer as a Rosh Eidah. This past summer, Sam participated in the Ramah Maslul Fellowship, joining select Ramah staff members at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem in a discourse about Israel Education in the Ramah Movement. Sam is active in the Jewish Community at UCF where he served as the Ramah College Network Coordinator and a Hadar Campus Outreach Fellow in the Fall of 2022 and contributes his DJ services to Hillel and Yehudi.

Sheindl Spitzer-Tilchin

Tustin, CA
Ramah in the Rockies
Brandeis University

Sheindl is currently a junior at Brandeis University, where she is a double major in Psychology and Near Eastern Judaic Studies with a minor in Religious Studies.  Sheindl serves as the 2022-2023 Undergraduate Department Representative for the Religious Studies Department at Brandeis. Sheindl also worked on Brandeis’s Masorti Hillel board as the Chesed/Tzedek coordinator and continues to take part in Hillel events, and remains an active participant within the Brandeis Hillel community.  Sheindl attended Ramah in the Rockies for six summers, served as the Religious Education VP on her United Synagogue Youth Chapter’s board for four years, and participated in a Hadar Davening Fellowship during the 2021 summer. Sheindl is a Tichon Ramah Yerushalayim Alumnus and enjoys studying Rabbinic texts, Jewish history, and hopes to attend Cantorial School one day. 

Shoshana Fogelman

Fair Lawn, NJ
Moshava I.O.
Yeshiva University

Shoshana Fogelman is a motivated junior at Yeshiva University, pursuing a degree in Psychology with a minor in Jewish Studies. Prior to college, she spent two years studying Jewish philosophy, text, and ethics at Midreshet Torah V’Avodah, and has dedicated ten summers to Camp Moshava IO, where she developed a deep appreciation for Jewish community and leadership. Shoshana has also contributed to various summer programs, including Mach Hach Haaretz and NCSY. Her strong connection to Bnei Akiva and passion for living in Israel have fueled her drive to make a positive impact in Jewish communities worldwide. Shoshana is actively involved in TAMID, where she currently serves as director of social development, and Yavneh on Campus. Through The Nachshon Project, she is excited to acquire valuable skills to help her become an effective leader and continue making a meaningful difference in the world.

Yardena Lipson

Vaughan, ON
Camp Nesher
Yeshiva University

Yardena is a junior at Stern College for Women studying sociology.  Before college, she spent a year at Midreshet Torah V’Avodah studying Jewish philosophy, text, and ethics. She spends her summers at Camp Nesher serving as a counselor and plans to return this summer to manage and cultivate their social media presence. On the Nachshon Project she is excited to gain knowledge in Jewish career paths and learn how to incorporate Jewish leadership and values into her daily life and future.

Zoe Korelitz

Detroit, MI
Camp Stone
Princeton University

Zoe is a junior at Princeton University studying religion with a focus on the relationship between Jewish text and lived experiences. She grew up in the warm and tight-knit Detroit Jewish community and spent 10 summers attending and working at Camp Stone, a Bnei Akiva camp in Pennsylvania. After high school, she spent a year doing Jewish text study at Nishmat in Jerusalem. At Princeton, Zoe is a member of an interfaith group, previously served as the social chair for the Orthodox community, and teaches eighth graders at a local religious school. She is grateful to spend this semester with the Nachshon Project intentionally reflecting and growing in her Jewish practice and leadership.