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Har Herzl tour

By Micaela Raviv

On April 7th, we had the privilege of getting a tour of Har Herzl with Aviv Wishkovsky. Wishkovsky provides tours of Har Herzl to high ranking officers in the IDF and other prominent groups that decide to tour Israel’s hallmark military cemetery. 

I have toured Har Herzl countless times whether it be with summer programs, Birthright or family trips. I have always connected with such trips and have left Har Herzl with a newfound sense of pride in the State of Israel, gratitude to those Israelis who are my age who dedicate their lives in army service so that Jews can live freely in our homeland and a sense of duty to serve the Jewish nation as those who have fallen fell for our freedom. Wishkovsky’s tour proved to be my favorite tour of Har Herzl. 

Wishkovsky gave us a comprehensive tour of the military cemetery. He started by providing us with a rich background of the history of Zionism and continued to take us through history by walking through different sections of the cemetery. He continuously added personal accounts to enrich the tour. He provided us with an anecdote about how he met someone at the cemetery once who only wanted for their relative’s memory to live on and for their story to be told. He told us stories about several soldiers, not just providing us with their names. We heard about their lives, accomplishments, dreams, heroism, and dedication to their mission. We learned about their dedication to the State of Israel and to the Jewish people. He told us that there are hundreds of tours that he could’ve given the cemetery whether it be focusing on gender, age, year of death, unit or country of origin. This portrays the sheer number of precious souls who fell serving the Jewish people. I learned about and toured sections of the cemetery I have never heard of before, such as one peaceful area overlooking mountains of Jerusalem, of Holocaust survivors who came to Israel after the unthinkable atrocity and fell in battle defending the State of Israel. 

I’m so appreciative for Wishkovsky’s anecdotes, expertise, and passion for teaching us the story of the fallen and how their stories and the IDF conscription of Israeli citizens at the age of 18 should inspire us to dedicate our lives to the Jewish people. I find no other place in the world more exemplary of the Israeli and Jewish spirit: Jews willing to risk their lives for the sake of the United Jewish people and the right to Jewish self-determination. Wishkovsky told us how he inspires soldiers to excel in their roles by teaching them the history of the nation and the stories of brave soldiers who came before them. This inspires them in their work and gives them the fire in their hearts to continue with their difficult tasks. I find it crucial for diaspora Jews to visit Har Herzl and to not take for granted the ability we have to visit Israel in security and freedom that we now enjoy, thanks to the brave sacrifice of Israelis. A visit to Har Herzl puts into perspective how Israelis have put their lives on the line, how some have made the ultimate sacrifice and others continue to do so today and to the end of time so that we can live freely and proudly as Jews in the world and especially in our homeland. 

We ended the day by going to a lookout from our Hebrew U campus which provides for the most spectacular and inspiring view of the Old City and West Jerusalem. Wishkovsky helped us realize how important Jerusalem is to the history of the Jewish people and how miraculously the IDF liberated Jerusalem in the Six Day War. He helped us realized how important it is that we are studying at Hebrew U and understanding the beauty that is Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem. Lastly, he helped us realize how important it is that we, as future Jewish professionals, ensure that Jews for the eternal future will be connected to the Jewish homeland, our national capital of Jerusalem and our sovereignty.