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Mission Statements

Written by Jake Sandler


Mission statements were the topic of discussion on Saturday morning at Shefayim. I know that most camps have a mission statement, and have on a number of occasions read through the mission of Camp Ramah in the Berkshires. I was a little bit surprised to find out that Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream has one too - and a thorough one at that.

Ben and Jerry's split their mission into three parts - Product, Financial, and Social. They made it their mission to make the best quality ice cream, bring in some revenue, and be a positive presence in the communities wherein they do business. I'm pretty confident that the "objective" of this discussion was not to understand the practices of an Ice Cream company, however Ben and Jerry's mission statement shed some light on the importance and function of having a mission. A mission is the central focus of a company. By having a clear mission, any organization will be better able to make decisions in light of their mission. It doesn't have to be permanent, and it could be altered, improved or completely transformed.

What sticks out to me about Ben and Jerry's is their commitment to three things. If I were to create a mission statement on Camp's behalf (despite there already being one) I think the three parts would be very similar. Product - in this case a safe, and fun camping atmosphere. Social - a conscientious decision to be present in the year-round communities of our clients (campers, staff and families). I think since camp is a non-profit organization, I would replace financial with Jewish Values - camp will provide the best quality Jewish education through immersion, exposure, and some informal content learning. The actual mission statement is as follows:

Camp Ramah in the Berkshires is a vibrant summer camp community, where children grow in a beautiful and safe setting, surrounded by life-long friends and nurtured by spirited role models. 

From sports to the arts, swimming to outdoor adventure, camp is infused with the best of the traditions and values of Conservative Judaism: love of mitzvoth, Hebrew language, and the land and people of Israel; commitment to inclusion and Tikun Olam; and the joy of learning and prayer.

Ramah is a transformative Jewish experience for its campers, staff, families, and the communities of the New York metropolitan area -- a place where Judaism is lived, Shabbat is cherished, and every moment is elevated. 

It is clear to me, that Ramah Berkshires is one step ahead of the game. The first paragraph clearly commits to a successful camping experience. The second paragraph talks about Judaism and the third paragraph addresses the scope of their audience to the home communities as well as the alumni and their families.

My main takeaway from our discussion of mission statements was that if you want to accomplish something, it is important to know what it is you want to accomplish. To have direction requires a destination. Goals and objectives are part of the planning process, but they don't replace a long-term mission.