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Written by Aaron Spiro


Today I am checking in from Tel Aviv, where I am wrapping up this city and starting my adventure in Jerusalem! Over the last week I have been here with the 21 fellows in my Israeli program. I have made some amazing friends that I can't wait to get to know even better over the semester. But, to be honest, that is not what I am going to talk about today. The real topic is: Snowball.

To elaborate, Snowball Studios is an animation company based in Tel Aviv. Today I had the chance to hear a presentation from none other than the CEO himself, Yoni Cohen. It wasn't just a presentation about the start of the company, but a story of his life's successes and challenges. It was amazing to hear his motivation throughout different stages of his life. Even as a thirteen year old, he knew he had a passion for animation. Seeing how he pushed and worked throughout his life made me want to strive for success each minute.

He started with local businesses. When he was in high school, he found success by asking what seemed to be the obvious question, yet, had no forward answer. Yoni realized the potential of 3-D digital modeling in production plants and capitalized on it. Just by going out to businesses and showing his skills, he found a bountiful supply of work during his high school career. Once he entered the Air Force, he knew that it wasn't where he was meant to be. (He also got kicked out for spending too much time designing...) Once the Israeli Defense Forces saw the potential of his skills, they made a whole separate unit just for 3-D modeling and animation for uses from promotion to field technologies. Yoni talked about how great it was to be able to grow the new unit similar to starting a new business, but without having the personal risk involved. After the IDF Yoni started his own business.

Just like high school all over again, he took to the streets to find clients by making meetings to show his work. Thinking in the United States, I could never imagine success from this tactic. But Yoni knew that the uses of Animation were applicable in so many areas, and he did not have any competition in Israel. His business became and still is thriving with over 50 people now working under him. It really is true that Israel is the "Start-up" nation. I have never seen such drive to create new and revolutionary ideas from so many people in such a small place.

Over the next five months I cannot wait to learn even more about what makes Israeli start-ups so successful. Just by being with the Fellows I can tell that each one of them is just as passionate to learn and discover all that Israel has to offer. When I ask someone in the States what they think of when I say Israel, the answer usually results in tensions, or missiles, but they are missing so much more to the country. My hope is that through my travels I can share with everyone the amazing accomplishments that Israel has to offer, and not just the headline story of the week. Take Yoni for example, he never gave up, and look what he created: A success that will live on for days to come.