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Status Update - BOMAH

Written by Rachel Glazer


We are a generation of sound and light.


At least, that's how Itzik Yarkoni of Brand of Milk and Honey (BOMAH) described the way we direct attention on social media. During several hours with him, we learned to use these basic elements, along with other technological tips and tools, to get the most out of every post we share online. More than that, he instructed us on how to take a feeling and an image and turn them into a story which can slow a scrolling scholar and carry our Israel experiences all the way back home.


Both he and civilian photographer Noam Bedein walked us through how to become modern Jewish storytellers via everyday technology, specifically Facebook and smartphone cameras. Although I am certain the others fellows and I will never see social media in quite the same way, the most striking lesson for me was the advice to emphasize the "I." By introducing a story with what you think, feel, believe, or know, you can help your audience invest in what you have to say emotionally and take ownership of the ideas publicly. In my interpretation, the science of shares, comments and likes all amounts to taking a personal story and making it a community legend.


I feel that this is key to our motivation as Nachshon Fellows. We want to experience Israel, grow as leaders, and define ourselves as individuals, but if it stops there, we are no better than that picture of a cat in a bow tie that your aunt posted last week: we are temporarily interesting, but ultimately un-impactful. However, if we can find the right avenues to share our stories, we can work together as a community to spread the word about this revolutionary idea or that simple project plan and create a story with weight and reach. We can go viral.