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Wix To Kick Off High Tech Tuesday

Written by Allie Rosen


As our group began our last full day of orientation to the Nachshon Project, we arrived in Tel Aviv where we spent the day learning about different start up companies throughout the city. Our first stop was Wix! Wix is a company that allows users to customize and build their own websites. Different templates and features are provided for users to create a website that is most applicable to their needs. The company was extremely welcoming to all of the Nachshon fellows and staff. We had the pleasure of meeting with Liron Raz, the head of business development at Wix. Throughout the presentation, Liron spoke to us about the mission of Wix, how it was founded, the culture of the company, and the benefits of being in Tel Aviv. It was unbelievable to see how successful a couple of people can be when they are truly motivated. Wix started off as a company with only three men wanting to build a company for others to develop websites because they could not find another site that was suitable for this and transformed into a booming company with over 450 employees in over three countries.

Learning about the creation and atmosphere of Wix taught me a great deal about the type of professional I want to be and the people I want to surround myself with in the workplace. At Wix, each person is trusted to arrive on time and work effectively throughout the day. That being said, if an employee wants to take a lunch break on the roof and enjoy the view of the city and Mediterranean Sea, no one will tell them when to get back to work. This system where employees know to be responsible and the company trusts them in return builds a positive and clearly successful company. Ideally, when I finish schooling and enter the work force, I would hope employers put the same trust in me to work effectively and accomplish the mission of the company.